Gimnasio Municipal Josué Neri Santos, Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua : 2024

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AAA , Angel (SUN) 04/14/2024 Gimnasio Municipal Josué Neri Santos, Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua
1) Cometa Jr., King Dragón, Ráfaga Jr. vs Feroz, Jivaro Jr., Rey Fugaz
2) Anima II, Kevin, Meteoro, Murciélago Jr. vs Canelo Villela, Imperio, Johan King, Pimpinela Escarlata
3) Pig Decapitador, Pig Destroyer, Pig Destructor, Pig Pool vs Dave The Clown, Monsther Clown, Murder Clown, Panic Clown
4) Kempo Jr. vs Octagón Jr. © [AAA LA]
5) Flammer, La Hiedra, Maravilla vs Miss Kath, Universis, Venus
6) Forastero & Sansón vs Coronel VIP & Steven Juárez
7) Pagano, Penta 0M, Psycho Clown vs Aéreo, Rey Escorpión, Texano Jr.



AAA (SUN) 02/18/2024 Gimnasio Municipal Josué Neri Santos, Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua [@ptotime]
1) Ángel Suicida, Dark Warrior, Sirius vs Charro Blanco, Charro Negro, Charro Rojo
2) Dave The Clown, Monsther Clown, Murder Clown b Pig Decapitador, Pig Destroyer, Pig Pool KickOff 🔴| CABELLERA vs CABELLERA: Pagano vs Aéreo desde LUCHA JUÁREZ (posted by mluchatv)
3) Cobarde Ng & Hijo del Fishman b Kempo Jr. & Octagón Jr. KickOff 🔴| CABELLERA vs CABELLERA: Pagano vs Aéreo desde LUCHA JUÁREZ (posted by mluchatv)
win via fouls, Kempo betrayed Octagon after the match and everyone beat him up
4) Hijo de LA Park & LA Park Jr. b Forastero & Sansón KickOff 🔴| CABELLERA vs CABELLERA: Pagano vs Aéreo desde LUCHA JUÁREZ (posted by mluchatv)
fouls and unmaskings
5) Ráfaga Jr. vs Psicópata
6) LA Park & Psycho Clown b Coronel VIP & Pierroth Jr.
Original Pierroth (Norbeto Salgado) was honored prior to the match. Rudo referee helped the rudos and tried to fast pin count Psycho after a mask pull, but a tecnico referee made the save and then fast coutned for Psycho.
7) Pagano b Aéreo [hair] Pagano VS Aéreo, Cabellera VS Cabellera (posted by ZONA RUDA LA LUCHA)
Pagano seemed to suffer a shoulder injury mid match but still finished the match. Rudo referee accidentally fast counted for Pagano to give him the win.

2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005
2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985
1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972

last updated: 2024-06-29 07:37

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