Comodín Jr. (Veracruz)


Promotion History:

Promotion Level Freq Tech Start Date End Date

Name History
(will match the use of that specific name between those dates, and can be further limited by arena, promotion and/or date)

WrestlerID: 4714

Name Start Date End Date Arena Promotion Location identity ID
Comodín Jr. (Veracruz) 1900-01-01 current --- --- --- 10408
Comodín Jr. 2000-01-01 current --- --- Veracruz 10409
Comodín 2010-01-01 current --- --- Veracruz 13632

Last 10 and Upcoming Matches:

Date Location Match
2023-08-20 Arena Union, Veracruz, Veracruz Abaddon Jr., Comodín Jr., Flyman vs ?, Rocko Marvin, Rocky Marvin and Corazón Salvaje, Flamita Roja, Príncipe Infernal
2023-08-27 Arena Union, Veracruz, Veracruz Black Mantiz & Guerrero Mantiz vs Guerrero Negro & Mercurio Rojo and Aero Power & Comodín
2023-09-15 Arena Union, Veracruz, Veracruz Aerofobia, Infernal, Madness vs Black Mantiz, Guerrero Mantiz, Rocky Marvin and Ángel Boy, Comodín Jr., Flyman
2023-09-30 Arena Coliseo Veracruzano, Veracruz, Veracruz Black Viper & Comodín Jr. vs Abbadon & Fuerza Killer
2023-10-01 Arena Union, Veracruz, Veracruz Black Viper & Comodín Jr. vs Aero Charly & Destello Aéreo
2023-10-29 Coliseo Fraternidad, Veracruz, Veracruz Atila & Tiburón vs Ángel de la Muerte & Angeluz and Comodín & Príncipe Infernal
2023-12-15 Coliseo Fraternidad, Veracruz, Veracruz Hell Boy & Kronos vs Ángel de la Muerte & Angeluz and Comodín Jr. & Príncipe Infernal
2023-12-25 Arena Union, Veracruz, Veracruz Sangre Guerrera vs Hijo Del Camboyano, Mercurio Rojo, Guerrero Negro, Dark Neurosis, Black Monster, Comodín Jr. [Copa Navidaena]
2024-01-07 Arena Union, Veracruz, Veracruz Black Baby, Guerrero Mantiz, Rocko Marvin vs Comodín Jr., Ferrarito Jr., Mercurio Rojo
2024-02-04 Arena Union, Veracruz, Veracruz Atila © vs Avaricia, Culko, Mercurio Rojo, Infernal, Comodín Jr. [UVLL MEGA]
Upcoming Matches
2024-05-19 Arena Union, Veracruz, Veracruz Comodín Jr., Faistar Jr., Príncipe Infernal, Vulko vs Charly, Corazón Salvaje, Faisan, Rocko Marvin

Last 5 Aired TV Matches:

Air Date Show Match

10 Most Recent Uploaded Matches:

Match Date Show Match
2012-11-11 Arena Xalapa, Xalapa, Veracruz Diamante Rojo Jr., Incognito Jr., Jaguar b Comodín, Gitano, Guerrero de la Noche TERCERA LUCHA 11 DE NOVIEMBRE ARENA XALAPA (posted by cundafee)
2018-01-28 Arena Union, Veracruz, Veracruz Aero Power & Comodín Jr. vs Rocky Marvin & Rocky Marvin and Ferrarito & Príncipe Infernal Facebook video (posted by AlesitoAlRing)
2021-10-15 Coliseo Fraternidad, Veracruz, Veracruz Tiburón vs Dream Magic, Hell Boy, Aero Power, Comodín Jr., Decktony, Rayo De Plata, Copiloto, Águila Sensei, Olimpus, Faisán Jr., Black Demon, Exorcista Jr., Atila, Ángel Boy  (posted by El Mil Iris)
2022-05-22 Arena Union, Veracruz, Veracruz Comodín Jr., Fly Man, Negro Casas vs Corazón Salvaje, Junior, Príncipe Infernal El negro casas en la Arena Unión del puerto de Veracruz. (posted by El Mil Iris)
2023-02-12 Arena Union, Veracruz, Veracruz Aero Power, Comodín Jr., Flyman vs Anarquía, Atila, Tiburón and Aerofobia, Mandess, Mr. Boom [UVLL TRIOS]  (posted by El Mil Iris)
2023-04-01 Arena Coliseo Veracruzano, Veracruz, Veracruz Comodín Jr. & Kronos vs Aero Power & Hell Boy [relevos suicidas] 3 Cabelleras y 1 mascara en juego. MilirisMania 2 Arena Coliseo Veracruzano. Guerra de Rivalidades (posted by El Mil Iris)
2023-06-11 Arena Union, Veracruz, Veracruz Comodín Jr. vs Black Baby, Kronos, Ángel de la Muerte Jr., Lady Ferrari, Morgana, Barbie Queen, Príncipe Infernal [mask, hair] Ruleta de la Muerte del XV aniversario de la Arena Unión de Veracruz, caerá una mascara o cabellera (posted by El Mil Iris)

Recommended Matches:

Date Location Match Rating

Perfomance Record

Date Total Wins Losses Draws Unknowns Percentage
2011 - All 1 0 0 0 1
2012 - All 32 1 3 0 28 25%
2013 - All 7 0 1 0 6 0%
2014 - All 12 0 0 0 12
2015 - All 16 0 0 0 16
2016 - All 36 1 0 0 35 100%
2017 - All 51 0 1 1 49 25%
2018 - All 40 0 0 0 40
2019 - All 66 0 1 0 65 0%
2020 - All 21 0 0 0 21
2021 - All 41 0 0 0 41
2022 - All 55 0 0 0 55
2023 - All 48 0 0 0 48
Total 426 2 6 1 417 27%

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Last Updated: 2024-05-12 04:21 AM CDT '