
LuchaWiki: http://www.luchawiki.org/index.php?title=Electrico

Promotion History:

Promotion Level Freq Tech Start Date End Date
CMLL Mini Occasional tecnico 2006-12-09 2012-08-06
CMLL Mini Occasional tecnico 2013-04-01 2020-03-17
CMLL Mini Occasional tecnico 2020-10-02 2021-02-13
CMLL Top Regular tecnico 2021-05-15 2022-06-03
CMLL Top Regular tecnico 2022-12-13 2100-01-01

Name History
(will match the use of that specific name between those dates, and can be further limited by arena, promotion and/or date)

WrestlerID: 558

Name Start Date End Date Arena Promotion Location identity ID
Eléctrico 1900-01-01 current --- --- --- 1858

Last 10 and Upcoming Matches:

Date Location Match
2024-05-04 Arena Coliseo Diamond, Eléctrico, Leono b Dragón de Fuego, Hunter, Inquisidor *
15:32. Tecnicos took 2/3.
2024-05-07 Arena México Astral, Eléctrico, Robin b Enfermero Jr., Inquisidor, Sangre Imperial * CMLL  | Eléctrico, Astral y Robin vencen a Sangre Imperial, Inquisidor y Enfermero Jr. (posted by mluchatv) Reporte CMLL: Robin, Eléctrico y Astral Vs Sangre Imperial, Inquisidor y Enfermero Jr. (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) RESUMEN CMLL: ELÉCTRICO, ROBIN Y ASTRAL VS INQUISIDOR, ENFERMERO JR. Y SANGRE IMPERIAL (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) Robin, Astral y Electrico vs Sangre Imperial, Inquisidor y Enfermero Jr ARENA MÉXICO/CMLL (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
2024-05-18 Arena Coliseo Capitán Suicida, Diamond, Eléctrico b Enfermero Jr., Forneo, Sangre Imperial *
2024-06-15 Arena Coliseo Eléctrico, Leono, Retro b Grako, Inquisidor, Sangre Imperial *
2024-06-17 Arena Puebla Multy, Perverso, Prayer b Astral, Diamond, Eléctrico Facebook video (posted by )
Diamond messed up a space flying tiger drop and was stretchered out (but was fine and seconding Mistico later)
2024-06-29 Arena Coliseo Dr. Karonte II, Enfermero Jr., Vegas b Diamond, Eléctrico, Robin *
18:04. Vegas replaced Dr. Karonte I
2024-07-05 Arena México Astral & Eléctrico b Inquisidor & Sangre Imperial * CMLL - VIERNES 05-07-2024 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL Astral y Electrico vs Sangre Imperial e Inquisidor ARENA MEXICO (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Reporte CMLL: Astral y Eléctrico derrotan a Sangre Imperial e Inquisidor (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
2024-07-08 Arena Puebla Vegas & Xelhua b Arkalis, Astral, El Audaz, Eléctrico, Multy, Pegasso, Rayo Metálico, Valiente Jr. [CMLL BARROCO, semifinal] Facebook video (posted by )
Order of elimination: Rayo Metalico (Audaz), Electrico (Arkalis), Audaz (Pegasso), Arkalis (Vegas), Hombre Bala (Astral), Pegasso (Valiente Jr.), Valiente Jr. (Xelhua), Multy (Vegas) leaving Vegas & Xelhua for next week.
2024-07-14 Arena México Astral, Eléctrico, Leono b Dr. Karonte I, Dr. Karonte II, Enfermero Jr.
Astral suffered an injury but finished the match
2024-07-20 Arena Coliseo Astral & Eléctrico b Gallo Jr. & Ráfaga Jr. (Jalisco) *
Upcoming Matches

Last 5 Aired TV Matches:

Air Date Show Match
2024-06-15 CMLL YouTube Eléctrico, Leono, Retro b Grako, Inquisidor, Sangre Imperial *
2024-06-29 CMLL YouTube Dr. Karonte II, Enfermero Jr., Vegas b Diamond, Eléctrico, Robin *
2024-07-05 CMLL YouTube Astral & Eléctrico b Inquisidor & Sangre Imperial * CMLL - VIERNES 05-07-2024 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL Astral y Electrico vs Sangre Imperial e Inquisidor ARENA MEXICO (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Reporte CMLL: Astral y Eléctrico derrotan a Sangre Imperial e Inquisidor (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
2024-07-14 CMLL Puebla Vegas & Xelhua b Arkalis, Astral, El Audaz, Eléctrico, Multy, Pegasso, Rayo Metálico, Valiente Jr. [CMLL BARROCO, semifinal] Facebook video (posted by )
2024-07-20 CMLL YouTube Astral & Eléctrico b Gallo Jr. & Ráfaga Jr. (Jalisco) *

10 Most Recent Uploaded Matches:

Match Date Show Match
2023-12-26 Arena México Grako, Inquisidor, Sangre Imperial b Astral, Eléctrico, Valiente Jr. * 20231226cmll_match2Astral, Eléctrico, Valiente Jr. vs Grako, Inquisidor, Sangre Imperial.mp4 (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) Astral, Eléctrico y Valiente Jr.  vs  Grako, Inquisidor y Sangre Imperial. (posted by thegladiatores.com) CMLL | Inquisidor, Grako y Sangre Imperial vencen a Eléctrico, Astral y Valiente Jr. (posted by mluchatv) FUNCIÓN COMPLETA DESDE LA ARENA MÉXICO  MARTES 26 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2O23 SOLO MIEMBROS (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) Reporte CMLL: Astral, Valiente Jr y Eléctrico (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) Valiente Jr, Astral y Eléctrico vs Inquisidor, Grako y Sangre Imperial ARENA MÉXICO (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
2024-01-16 Arena México Eléctrico & Oro Jr. b Grako & Inquisidor * 20240116cmll_match1Eléctrico & Oro Jr. vs Grako & Inquisidor.mp4 (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) Oro Jr y Eléctrico vs Grako e Inquisidor ARENA MÉXICO (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Oro Jr y Eléctrico Vs Grako e Inquisidor en el martes de Arena México (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
2024-02-10 Arena Coliseo Eléctrico & Retro DQ Inquisidor & Príncipe Odín Jr. Reporte CMLL: Príncipe Odin e Inquisidor Vs Retro y Eléctrico Arena Coliseo de Perú 77 (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
Retro replaced Leono. Odin unmasked Retro. Challenges followed.
2024-02-27 Arena México Dr. Karonte I, Enfermero Jr., Inquisidor b Astral, Eléctrico, Leono * CMLL: Inquisidor, Dr. Karonte Jr I y Enfermero Jr. derrotan a Leono, Astral y Eléctrico (posted by mluchatv) Enfermero Jr, Karonte I e Inquisidor vs Leono, Astral y Eléctrico ARENA MÉXICO (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Reporte CMLL: H. Karonte I, Enfermero Jr e Inquisidor Vs Astral, Leono y Eléctrico (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
2024-03-09 Arena Coliseo Eléctrico, Halcón Suriano Jr., Valiente Jr. b Enfermero Jr., Nitro, Sangre Imperial CMLL: Halcón Suriano Jr, Eléctrico y Valiente Jr. Vs Nitro, Sangre Imperial y Enfermero Jr. (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
2024-03-26 Arena México Eléctrico, Fuego, Robin b Dr. Karonte I, Enfermero Jr., Inquisidor * * CMLL | Eléctrico, Robin y Fuego derrotan a El Enfermero Jr., Dr. Karonte I e Inquisidor (posted by mluchatv) Electrico, Fuego Robin vs Inquisidor, Karonte y Enfermero Jr ARENA MÉXICO/CMLL (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Reporte CMLL: Robin, Fuego y Eléctrico Vs Enfermero Jr. Karonte I e inquisidor (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) RESUMEN CMLL: FUEGO, ELÉCTRICO Y ROBIN VS DR. KARONTE I, INQUISIDOR Y ENFERMERO JR. (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
Inquisidor replaced Grako
2024-05-07 Arena México Astral, Eléctrico, Robin b Enfermero Jr., Inquisidor, Sangre Imperial * CMLL  | Eléctrico, Astral y Robin vencen a Sangre Imperial, Inquisidor y Enfermero Jr. (posted by mluchatv) Reporte CMLL: Robin, Eléctrico y Astral Vs Sangre Imperial, Inquisidor y Enfermero Jr. (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) RESUMEN CMLL: ELÉCTRICO, ROBIN Y ASTRAL VS INQUISIDOR, ENFERMERO JR. Y SANGRE IMPERIAL (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) Robin, Astral y Electrico vs Sangre Imperial, Inquisidor y Enfermero Jr ARENA MÉXICO/CMLL (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
2024-06-17 Arena Puebla Multy, Perverso, Prayer b Astral, Diamond, Eléctrico Facebook video (posted by )
Diamond messed up a space flying tiger drop and was stretchered out (but was fine and seconding Mistico later)
2024-07-05 Arena México Astral & Eléctrico b Inquisidor & Sangre Imperial * CMLL - VIERNES 05-07-2024 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL) CMLL Astral y Electrico vs Sangre Imperial e Inquisidor ARENA MEXICO (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Reporte CMLL: Astral y Eléctrico derrotan a Sangre Imperial e Inquisidor (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
2024-07-08 Arena Puebla Vegas & Xelhua b Arkalis, Astral, El Audaz, Eléctrico, Multy, Pegasso, Rayo Metálico, Valiente Jr. [CMLL BARROCO, semifinal] Facebook video (posted by )
Order of elimination: Rayo Metalico (Audaz), Electrico (Arkalis), Audaz (Pegasso), Arkalis (Vegas), Hombre Bala (Astral), Pegasso (Valiente Jr.), Valiente Jr. (Xelhua), Multy (Vegas) leaving Vegas & Xelhua for next week.

Recommended Matches:

Date Location Match Rating
2019-08-05 Arena Puebla Eléctrico © b Virus [MEX LIGHT] * LA MEJOR LUCHA LIBRE DESDE LA ARENA PUEBLA 5 DE AGOSTO DE 2019 (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
fifth defense, first in 21 months. Electrico took 2/3 to retain in a very good match.
2016-07-22 Arena México Astral, Eléctrico, Último Dragóncito b Demus 3:16, Mercurio, Pierrothito * *
15:14. Tecnicos took 1/3.
2015-01-06 Arena México Shockercito b Astral, Eléctrico, Fantasy, Último Dragóncito, Demus 3:16, Pierrothito, Pequeño Olímpico, Pequeño Nitro, Mercurio [Pequeno Reyes del Aire] *
Tecnicos vs rudos. Elimination order: Fantasy (Demus), Pequeno Olimpico (Dragoncito), Pequeno Nitro, Ultimo Dragoncito, Demus & Electrico (Astral pinning both at the same time), Astral (could not continue after a Pierrothito tope), Mercurio (shockercito), Pierrothito (Shockercito). Leaving Shockercito as the winner.
2014-10-12 Arena México Astral © b Eléctrico [CMLL MINI] * *  (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) Astral u00a9 vs Electrico for the CMLL World Mini Estrellas Championship, on DailyMotion (posted by thecubsfan) Astral u00a9 vs Electrico for the CMLL World Mini Estrellas Championship, on DailyMotion (posted by thecubsfan)
Electrico grabbed Triton to be his second. Astral had Star Jr. as his second (but he showed up late.) Astral took falls 2/3 to keep the title in a great match, probably the best possible match between the two. Astral's first defense.
2014-10-05 Arena Coliseo Eléctrico b Demus 3:16, Pequeño Olímpico, Bam Bam, Stukita, Pierrothito, Pequeño Universo 2000, Shockercito, Último Dragóncito, Pequeño Nitro, Fantasy, Aéreo, Acero, Angelito [#1 Contenders, CMLL MINI] * * #1 Contender Cibernetico for the CMLL Minis Championship, on DailyMotion (posted by thecubsfan)
Pequeno Universo replaced Mercurio. Battle royal determined sides (out of the ring: Electrico, Ultimo Dragoncito, Angelito, Fantasy, Aereo, Bam Bam, Shockercito vs in the ring: Demus 3:16, Pequeño Olímpico, Stukita, Pierrothito, Pequeño Universo 2000, Pequeño Nitro, Acero). Pinfalls: Angelito spinning headscissors armbar Pequeno Universo 2000 (5:49), Stukita reverse motocicleta Aereo (9:10), Pequeno Nitro backmounted backcracker Angelito (11:29), Fantasy guillotine moonsault Acero (13:44), Ultimo Dragoncito escalera Stukita (15:27), Demus Demus Driver Fantasy (17:59) [Fantasy was down in the ring after the move - as usual - and luchdors continued to work spots around him even as medical personal were working], Pierrothito reversed huracanrana Ultimo Dragoncito (18:51), Bam bam cross armbreaker Pequeno Nitro (20:06) [timeing is 5 to 30 seconds slow from here on out due to tranmission issues], Shockercito reinera Pequeno Olimpico (~21:21), Pierrothito inverted double full nelson Shockercito (~22:28), DQ Demus [foul on Bam Bam] (~24:00), DQ Bam Bam [foul Demus] (~24:05) , Electrico straight jacket cavernaria Pierrothito (27:10) Electrico is the last survivor and gets a shot at tag team partner Astral next week in Arena Mexico.
2014-08-18 Arena Puebla Eléctrico © b Espíritu Maligno [MEX LIGHT] *  (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) Eléctrico © vs Espíritu Maligno for the Mexican National Lightweight Championship | CMLL 08 18 2014 (posted by Lucha Click)
Electrico took falls 2/3 to keep the title. Electrico's first defense.

Perfomance Record

Date Total Wins Losses Draws Unknowns Percentage
1985 - All 1 0 0 0 1
1997 - All 1 0 0 0 1
2006 - All 3 0 0 0 3
2007 - All 25 6 11 0 8 35%
2008 - All 13 8 5 0 0 61%
2009 - All 37 26 8 0 3 76%
2010 - All 47 32 13 0 2 71%
2011 - All 53 21 22 0 10 48%
2012 - All 37 14 16 0 7 46%
2013 - All 37 23 9 0 5 71%
2014 - All 55 27 23 0 5 54%
2015 - All 58 31 14 0 13 68%
2016 - All 44 30 7 2 5 79%
2017 - All 54 29 12 0 13 70%
2018 - All 60 22 32 0 6 40%
2019 - All 41 12 28 0 1 30%
2020 - All 12 3 8 0 1 27%
2021 - All 33 8 25 0 0 24%
2022 - All 25 12 13 0 0 48%
2023 - All 27 11 14 0 2 44%
Total 663 315 260 2 86 54%

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Last Updated: 2024-07-22 04:19 AM CDT '