Tony Rivera


Promotion History:

Promotion Level Freq Tech Start Date End Date
UWA Lower Mid Regular tecnico 1994-09-18 1995-09-08
IWRG Top Regular rudo 1996-01-19 1996-04-21
AAA Top Regular tecnico 1996-03-13 1996-06-05
IWRG Lower Mid Regular tecnico 1996-05-12 1998-09-20
IWRG Top Regular tecnico 1999-11-18 1999-12-16
IWRG Top Regular tecnico 2000-11-23 2001-01-28
IWRG Top Regular tecnico 2002-04-25 2002-08-29
IWRG Top Regular tecnico 2004-12-19 2005-04-07
IWRG Top Regular tecnico 2005-08-07 2005-10-20
IWRG Top Regular tecnico 2006-04-23 2006-12-25
IWRG Top Regular tecnico 2007-05-17 2007-08-26
CMLL Lower Mid Regular tecnico 1997-08-10 2010-07-31
IWRG Lower Mid Regular tecnico 2010-09-23 2011-04-17
PdM Lower Mid Regular tecnico 2011-05-29 2011-12-04
IWRG Lower Mid Regular tecnico 2011-12-22 2012-10-18
IWRG Lower Mid Regular tecnico 2013-05-12 2013-05-19
IWRG Lower Mid Regular tecnico 2013-08-22 2013-08-26
IWRG Lower Mid Regular rudo 2013-08-27 2014-09-16
IWRG Lower Mid Regular rudo 2014-12-25 2015-04-19
IWRG Lower Mid Regular rudo 2015-12-16 2016-01-03

Name History
(will match the use of that specific name between those dates, and can be further limited by arena, promotion and/or date)

WrestlerID: 166

Name Start Date End Date Arena Promotion Location identity ID
Paris 1994-01-01 1996-01-01 --- --- --- 3467
Tony Rivera 1980-01-01 current --- --- --- 194
Tony Ribera 1990-01-01 current --- --- --- 8990

Last 10 and Upcoming Matches:

Date Location Match
2024-02-16 Arena San Francisco, Tultepec, Estado de México Nigma, Picudo Jr., Tony Rivera vs Baby Camaleón, Camaleón, Camaleón Jr.
2024-04-21 Arena Naucalpan Black Terry L Veneno, Cerebro Negro, Mr. Mike, Tony Rivera, Neuorna, Axel, Bombero Infernal, Granjero [cage, loser advances] IWRG EN VIVO (posted by IWRG tv) JAULA (posted by hector godfrey) Jaula A Guerra del Golfo 2024 Arena Naucalpan IWRG RETRO (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Jaula Retro IWRG en la Guerra del Golfo en la Arena Naucalpan (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) Jaula RETRO: Veneno vs Cerebro Negro c/Neurona vs Black Terry vs Mr. Mike vs Tony Rivera vs Axel (posted by mluchatv)
Mr. Mike, Granjero and micro Neurona replaced X-Fly & Apolo Estrada Jr.
2024-04-27 Unidad Habitacional Hacienda de Las Flores, Iztapalapa, Distrito Federal Veneno vs Lizmark Jr., Tony Rivera, Gran Markus Ng, Vudu Max, Último Gladiador Jr., Hijo de Mr. Niebla, Arturo Gaona, Demencia, La Gilbertona, El Divino, Pankratos, Infarot, Ruen El Macgiver [cage, mask, hair]
2024-04-28 Arena Naucalpan Hell Boy, Veneno, Vudu Max b Kiki Roberts, Tony Rivera, Vangellys IWRG EN VIVO (posted by IWRG tv) VENENO CONCLUYÓ EN LA ESTELAR JUNTO CON VUDÚ MAX Y HELL BOY VS TONY RIVERA,VANGELLYS Y KIKI ROBERTS (posted by hector godfrey) VENENO CONCLUYÓ EN LA ESTELAR JUNTO CON VUDÚ MAX Y HELL BOY VS TONY RIVERA,VANGELLYS Y KIKI ROBERTS (posted by hector godfrey)
2024-05-05 Arena Naucalpan Vangellys b Kiki Roberts, Vudu Max, Shocko, Soy Raymunda, Abigor, Pandemónium Jr., Danessa, Gran Pandemónium, Tornado, Hijo de Pandemónium, Spider Fly, Águila Roja, Bengalee, Sol, Freelance, Luka, Ivan Rokov, Tony Rivera, Veneno, Noisy Boy, Hijo de Canis Lupus, Máscara Sagrada Jr., Estrella Divina, Jessy Queen, Imposible, Caballero de Plata, Axel, Cerebro Negro Jr., Sangre Azteca [Rey del Ring] 30 LUCHADORES POR EL REY DEL RING, GANANDO EL TÍTULO VANGELLYS (posted by hector godfrey) IWRG EN VIVO  (posted by IWRG tv)
Ivan Rokov helped Vangellys win. DMT Azul showed up, setting up a feud between Azul & Lupus and Rokov & Vangellys
2024-05-26 Coliseo Coacalco, Coacalco, Estado de México Forastero, Steel Heart, Tony Rivera vs Demonio Baltazar, Destructor, Perro de Guerra
2024-06-23 San Francisco Culhuacan, Coyoacán, Distrito Federal Jonhy El Suavesito, La Parkita, Ultraseven vs Flama Dorada II, Pentagoncito, Tony Rivera
2024-07-07 Coliseo Coacalco, Coacalco, Estado de México Cheff Benito & Tony Rivera vs Niebla Negra I & Niebla Negra II
2024-07-14 Arena Neza Estrella del Ring vs Tornado, Charly Boy, Zoom Driver, Bambu, Energía, Hausser, Cheff Benito, Jitsu, Tony Rivera, Nygma, Coco Amarillo Ng, Epidemia, Espectro De Ultrautmba Jr. [mask, hair] ANIVERSARIO 16 DE ESTRELLAS DEL RING ¡¡¡ Máscaras y Cabelleras en Juego !!! (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Máscaras y Cabelleras en juego ESTRELLAS DEL RING/16 ANIVERSARIO (posted by Estrellas del Ring) MÁSCARARA VS CABELLERA: TONY RIVERA/ ESTRELLA DEL RING/TORNADO/ZOOM DRIVER/CHARLY BOY.. (posted by hector godfrey)
2024-07-21 Coliseo Coacalco, Coacalco, Estado de México Murciélago Maya & Tony Rivera vs Maverick & Wizard
Upcoming Matches

Last 5 Aired TV Matches:

Air Date Show Match
2015-04-20 IWRG Zona XXI Leo, Mike, Rafy, Teelo b Ciclón Black, Oficial 911, Oficial AK47, Tony Rivera *
2015-06-19 IWRG Zona XXI Flamita b Dinamic Black, Arez, Suicida, Drastik Boy, Golden Magic, Freelance, Jinzo, Impulso, Carta Brava Jr. (IWRG), Tony Rivera *  (posted by thecubsfan)  (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) Flamita/Dinamic/Freelance/Impulso/Jinzo/H. de Carta Brava/Ares/Mike Segura/Draztick/Golden/Tony (posted by TVLuchaMundial) Lucha de alto impacto en Lucha Boom, Arena Naucalpan. (posted by mluchatv) TORNEO Alto Impacto en Lucha Libre BOOM (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
2015-12-20 IWRG Zona XXI Emperador Azteca, Hijo de Máscara Sagrada, Hijo del Alebrije DQ Canis Lupus, Halloween Jr., Tony Rivera *
2016-01-05 IWRG Zona XXI Hip Hop Man, Imposible, Tony Rivera b Leo, Mike, Rafy * LUCHA LIBRE EN LA ARENA NAUCALPAN segunda parte (posted by Cuadrilatero Paranormal) Tortugas Ninja vs Tony Rivera, Imposible y Hip Hop Man, IWRG Arena Naucalpan (posted by mluchatv)
2016-12-12 IWRG Zona XXI Máscara Año 2000 Jr. b Rafy, Teelo, Mike, Leo, Freelance, Mike Segura, Danny Casas, Veneno, Hijo del Alebrije, El Hijo del Diablo, Diablo Jr. I, Black Terry, Heddi Karaoui, Relámpago, Pantera I, Killer Jr., Pirata Morgan, Pirata Morgan Jr., Dr. Cerebro, Hijo De Dos Caras, Golden Magic, Emperador Azteca, Picudo Jr., Eterno, Oficial AK47, Astro, Tony Rivera, Mr. Águila [IWRG Rey del Ring] *  (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) Rey del Ring IWRG 2016   ¡¡¡ 30 LUCHADORES EN ACCIÓN LUCHA COMPLETA !!! (posted by Estrellas del Ring)

10 Most Recent Uploaded Matches:

Match Date Show Match
2022-05-15 Coliseo Coacalco, Coacalco, Estado de México Calibus b Tony Rivera Vanguardia desde el Coliseo Coacalco (posted by mluchatv)
2022-07-02 Deportivo 11 de Julio, Pachuca, Hidalgo Calibus & Devitt Rodríguez © b Fantasma de la Ópera & Tony Rivera [VANGUARIDA TAG] Tres Años de estar a la Vanguardia | Caerá una Máscara o Cabellera (posted by mluchatv)
2022-07-17 Coliseo Coacalco, Coacalco, Estado de México Black Yaya, Dulce Luna, Steel Heart, Tony Rivera vs Golden, Golden Girl, Golden Jr., King DEMENCIA DORADA VS Tonny Rivera,Black Yaya,Steel Heart,Dulce Luna (posted by hector godfrey) Tony Rivera, Dulce Luna, Black Yaya y Steel Heart VS Golden, Golden Jr, Golden Girl y King (posted by mluchatv)
2022-08-18 Arena Naucalpan Big Boy, Big Chico Che, Big Tackle b Andy Boy, Danger King, Tony Rivera LIVE | La Jaucan VS Los de OTRO NIVEL | Los Cerebros VS Los Oficiales en revancha (posted by IWRG tv)
2022-09-04 Coliseo Coacalco, Coacalco, Estado de México Rotterdam, Steel Heart, Tony Rivera b Ángel Estrella Jr., Kundra, Príncipe Jr. Homenaje a Jeque | Coliseo Coacalco (posted by mluchatv)
2022-10-30 Auditorio Municipal, Tizayuca, hidalgo Malévolo & Mimo Dark vs Orión & Tony Rivera and Rocky & Terry and Hijo de Roco Vann & Roco Vann Jr. [CWF TAG] LUCHA POR EL CAMPEONATO DE PAREJAS CWF !!! (posted by Desde las cuerdas con Mariano)
2024-04-21 Arena Naucalpan Black Terry L Veneno, Cerebro Negro, Mr. Mike, Tony Rivera, Neuorna, Axel, Bombero Infernal, Granjero [cage, loser advances] IWRG EN VIVO (posted by IWRG tv) JAULA (posted by hector godfrey) Jaula A Guerra del Golfo 2024 Arena Naucalpan IWRG RETRO (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Jaula Retro IWRG en la Guerra del Golfo en la Arena Naucalpan (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) Jaula RETRO: Veneno vs Cerebro Negro c/Neurona vs Black Terry vs Mr. Mike vs Tony Rivera vs Axel (posted by mluchatv)
Mr. Mike, Granjero and micro Neurona replaced X-Fly & Apolo Estrada Jr.
2024-04-28 Arena Naucalpan Hell Boy, Veneno, Vudu Max b Kiki Roberts, Tony Rivera, Vangellys IWRG EN VIVO (posted by IWRG tv) VENENO CONCLUYÓ EN LA ESTELAR JUNTO CON VUDÚ MAX Y HELL BOY VS TONY RIVERA,VANGELLYS Y KIKI ROBERTS (posted by hector godfrey) VENENO CONCLUYÓ EN LA ESTELAR JUNTO CON VUDÚ MAX Y HELL BOY VS TONY RIVERA,VANGELLYS Y KIKI ROBERTS (posted by hector godfrey)
2024-05-05 Arena Naucalpan Vangellys b Kiki Roberts, Vudu Max, Shocko, Soy Raymunda, Abigor, Pandemónium Jr., Danessa, Gran Pandemónium, Tornado, Hijo de Pandemónium, Spider Fly, Águila Roja, Bengalee, Sol, Freelance, Luka, Ivan Rokov, Tony Rivera, Veneno, Noisy Boy, Hijo de Canis Lupus, Máscara Sagrada Jr., Estrella Divina, Jessy Queen, Imposible, Caballero de Plata, Axel, Cerebro Negro Jr., Sangre Azteca [Rey del Ring] 30 LUCHADORES POR EL REY DEL RING, GANANDO EL TÍTULO VANGELLYS (posted by hector godfrey) IWRG EN VIVO  (posted by IWRG tv)
Ivan Rokov helped Vangellys win. DMT Azul showed up, setting up a feud between Azul & Lupus and Rokov & Vangellys
2024-07-14 Arena Neza Estrella del Ring vs Tornado, Charly Boy, Zoom Driver, Bambu, Energía, Hausser, Cheff Benito, Jitsu, Tony Rivera, Nygma, Coco Amarillo Ng, Epidemia, Espectro De Ultrautmba Jr. [mask, hair] ANIVERSARIO 16 DE ESTRELLAS DEL RING ¡¡¡ Máscaras y Cabelleras en Juego !!! (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Máscaras y Cabelleras en juego ESTRELLAS DEL RING/16 ANIVERSARIO (posted by Estrellas del Ring) MÁSCARARA VS CABELLERA: TONY RIVERA/ ESTRELLA DEL RING/TORNADO/ZOOM DRIVER/CHARLY BOY.. (posted by hector godfrey)

Recommended Matches:

Date Location Match Rating
2015-06-17 Arena Naucalpan Flamita b Dinamic Black, Arez, Suicida, Drastik Boy, Golden Magic, Freelance, Jinzo, Impulso, Carta Brava Jr. (IWRG), Tony Rivera *  (posted by thecubsfan)  (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) Flamita/Dinamic/Freelance/Impulso/Jinzo/H. de Carta Brava/Ares/Mike Segura/Draztick/Golden/Tony (posted by TVLuchaMundial) Lucha de alto impacto en Lucha Boom, Arena Naucalpan. (posted by mluchatv) TORNEO Alto Impacto en Lucha Libre BOOM (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
Flamita beat Dinamic Black. Tony Rivera & Jinzo were both surprise luchadors.
2014-08-20 Arena Naucalpan Alan Extreme & Metaleón b Golden Magic & Relámpago and Ironía & Yakuza and Ciclón Black & Tony Rivera *
Team IWRG vs Team AULL vs Neza Boy vs Team FILL. Rivera's team was the first team out, but came out to cause Golden Magic & Relampago to be elimination. Team Neza tried to get Alan beat too but he hung onto beat Yakuza.
2013-09-12 Arena Naucalpan Ciclón Black, Guerrero Mixtico, Tony Rivera b Black Terry, Dragón Celestial, Fulgor I * Ciclón Black, Guerrero Mixtico, Tony Rivera vs Black Terry, Dragón Celestial, Fulgor I (posted by luchablogvault)
Neza (Gym Tony Rivera) vs Naucalpan (FILL). Fulgore I instead of II in this match. Team Neza won 1/3 in a highly entertaining match, the last by Ciclon Black foul & mask pull on Dragon Celestial (who started the match equally painfully crashing and burning on a tope.) Black and Celestial destroyed each other's mask during the match and strongly teased a mask versus mask after their match. Terry/Tony and Terry/Guerrero were also teased.

Perfomance Record

Date Total Wins Losses Draws Unknowns Percentage
1993 - All 1 0 0 0 1
1994 - All 8 1 3 0 4 25%
1995 - All 26 4 8 4 10 37%
1996 - All 42 10 6 0 26 62%
1997 - All 82 25 20 0 37 55%
1998 - All 147 33 30 0 84 52%
1999 - All 72 24 26 0 22 48%
2000 - All 100 34 30 2 34 53%
2001 - All 92 28 41 0 23 40%
2002 - All 70 36 26 0 8 58%
2003 - All 81 29 20 0 32 59%
2004 - All 79 33 27 0 19 55%
2005 - All 92 34 25 0 33 57%
2006 - All 139 48 38 1 52 55%
2007 - All 102 38 30 0 34 55%
2008 - All 80 27 27 0 26 50%
2009 - All 54 22 12 0 20 64%
2010 - All 54 22 8 1 23 72%
2011 - All 62 16 22 3 21 42%
2012 - All 36 14 15 0 7 48%
2013 - All 48 14 14 0 20 50%
2014 - All 51 12 20 0 19 37%
2015 - All 53 5 13 0 35 27%
2016 - All 33 2 2 0 29 50%
2017 - All 33 3 2 0 28 60%
2018 - All 27 4 1 0 22 80%
2019 - All 38 3 3 1 31 50%
2020 - All 6 0 0 0 6
2021 - All 12 1 1 0 10 50%
2022 - All 31 2 4 0 25 33%
2023 - All 6 0 0 0 6
Total 1757 524 474 12 747 52%

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Last Updated: 2024-07-26 04:35 AM CDT '